SW-Con 1 Notes | Updated |
Notes | Links to exercises and assigments |
How to install Java and other SW-tools at home |
Slides/blackboard pictures
Date of lesson | Link | Description |
Design Object Diagram
Fixed Array | Array of integers | |
Assignment of elements | Assignment of array elements, For Loops |
Tutorials Chapter 4
Date of lesson | Link | Description |
StockManager Intro |
Introduction to ArrayList with objects. |
StockManager for-each-loop |
For-each loop on Arraylist Processing an arraylist of products in the StockManager using the for-each-loop |
StockManager while-loop |
While-loop on Arraylist Processing an arraylist of products in the StockManager using the while-loop |
PhoneBook get-a-friend |
The get method in ArrayList |
StockManager iterator-loop |
Iterator class. Iterator-loop on Arraylist |
2010.10.07 |
PayRoll for-loop |
Integer array. For-loop of array. |
PayRoll sorting BlueJ Ch. 4.12 BlueJPayRoll assignment |
Sorting of an array table. |
Tutorials Chapter 6
Date of lesson | Link | Description |
Diary project with 3 classes: Week, Day, Appointment |
2010.11.03 |
Automation using test methods Checking ThreeAppointments, DoubleBooking, FillSpace |
2010.11.03 |
Automation using the JUnit class assertequals method |
NetBeans GUI Swing Subjects
Subjects/Instructions | Tutorials | Exercises |
Install Java SE & Netbeans | Download NetBeans | Download Java Netbeans |
Program environment |
Swing GUI class, JFrame, JPanel, Layout JButton, JTextField, |
Introduction NetBeans | |
Class, data fields, get/set methods, constructors, toString |
Introduction NetBeans Java Class | CustomerGUI |
Generated GUI code |
Introduction NetBeans GUI Code |
Wrapper classes String Double Integer String Number Conversion |
String Number Conversion | SumGUI CalculatorGUI |
GridLayout String.split() NetBeans LayOut |
CalculatorAdvanced |
Maintenance by claudius@rhs.dk