SW-Con 1 Exercises Updated 
SW-Construction 1 (Object Oriented Programming)
2. Semester: International Datamatician Course (Advanced Computer Studies)

Notes Links to exercises and assigments

How to install an ODBC-data source.
Danish version
Interbase Introduction to Interbase

Keyboard class intro

How to install Java and other SW-tools at home
Introduction to the Keyboard class 


NetBeans Swing GUI Subjects
Subjects/Instructions Tutorials Exercises
Install Java SE & Netbeans Download NetBeans Download Java Netbeans

Program environment
projects, .java, .class files
Output Window

NetBeans Basics

Introduction NetBeans Basics

Introduction NetBeans

Swing GUI class, JFrame, JPanel, Layout JButton, JTextField,

NetBeans GUI

Introduction Netbeans GUI Basics

Introduction NetBeans

Class, data fields, get/set methods, constructors, toString
NetBeans Java Class

Introduction NetBeans Java Class CustomerGUI

Generated GUI code
initComponents, Runnable
NetBeans GUI Code

Introduction NetBeans GUI Code

Wrapper classes
String Double Integer
String Number Conversion
String Number Conversion SumGUI
GridLayout String.split()
NetBeans LayOut

Java Table: Two-dimensional Arrays
Subjects/Instructions Tutorials Exercises
Declaration of two-dimensional array
Integer[][], table-element, assing value, traversing
Table Introduction & Loops

Table 1 Table Introduction

HotelStays 1-11


NetBeans Swing JTable
Subjects/Instructions Tutorials Exercises

Introduction to JTable component
Creation of JTable
NetBeans GUI JTable Introduction

JTable 1 JTable Introduction  

Extend DefaultTableModel
Use TableModel together with a Jtable
NetBeans GUI JTable and TableModel

JTable 2 JTable and TableModel



                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Maintenance by claudius@rhs.dk