SW-Con 1 Solutions | Updated |
Solutions | Links to examples and exercises |
Introduction Calculations Sum |
The keyboard class. Save in working folder compile! |
WelcomeGUI SumGUI |
Welcome GUI using Netbeans Simple calculations using GUI |
Printing a reminder to different
borrowers. Fruit distribution for kids. Integer division Model class for registration of personal data. Application class for registration of personal data. |
Die DiceGame |
Model/worker class for DiceGame # different solutions |
Offering various calculations on two/htree numbers. |
Reminder_ListGUI Looper MainMenu |
Printing a list of reminders Class for Simple for and while loops Menu class |
Travel Model Class, a more utility like solution Travel Model Class, a more persistent like solution |
Simple array operations |
Solutions to Mandatory Assignment
No. 1. Borrower, TMC_Borrower & BorrowerGUI Classes |
Library vs. 1. Solution with Borrower, Hits etc. |
Library 2007 vs. 2.0 | Library vs. 2. Solution with Borrower, Hits etc. |
Item Model Class |
DeleteItemHandler DeleteItemGUI |
Item Controller for special items deleting Item GUI class for deleting items |
MandatoryNo2.zip | Solutions to course assigment
2 The .zip file |
SelectionSort |
A class holding the selectionSort method |
BorowerRegisterFileGUI |
The GUI application class for filing The GUI application for borrowers extended with filing |
BorrowerReadFileEx | Reading borrowers from a file to a collection using EOFException |
BorrowerColWriteFile BorrowerColReadFile |
Writing a whole collection
in one shot Reading a whole collection in one shot |
The handler of the controllers/collections |
MandatoryNo3.zip | Files to mandatory assigment
3 The .zip file |
Michael's favourites
Solutions acknowledged
to my great students Solution made by by longest spanning path |