2. Semester: International Datamatician Course
(Advanced Computer Science)
Welcome, to SYS 2. semester
Semester overview, SYS planned schedule,
be prepared for changes
Litterature, primary litterature og
different articles
Weekly plans, opdated on the fly
Projects and cases, heavier exercises and the
project foundation
Exercises and assignments, smaller practical
exercises and theoretical assignments
Solutions, opdated on the fly
Examples, advanced stuff
Notes, smaller collections
Study groups, study groups with members
Project status, project groups and project
Exam, Litterature assignment. and order
of teams
Special schedule,
the last 3 weeks!
for 3. semester for all 3 subjects !!!
Other links
SIGS Java Review, journal on Java
OO database, Jasmine for fun
SIGS Component Review, journal on object oriented design
SIGS JOOP (Journal of Object Oriented Programming), general OO-programing...