plans![]() |
Updated |
Mon | Implementation in an Object Oriented Programming Language
OOD Ch 17-17.1 OOD guidelines. The note Ch. 17.1 |
Tues | OOD implementation in RDB
OOD Ch. 17.2-17.5 OOD guidelines. The note Ch. 17 Top-Ten assignment |
Fri | OOD implementation in RDB continued
OOD Ch. 17.2-17.5 OOD guidelines. The note Ch. 17 Very important thoretical stuff |
TOP-TEN exercise
The Fantasy Library
Take a really good look
at the revised diagram OOD structures vs. 2.1
Then discuss the implementation
in OOPL by answereing:
0. Choose implementation language
Easy Java is chosen !!
1. Transform the basic elements for the essential 2 classes like Item and
and the corresponding FMC-classes
Here Classes, generalization-specialization, attributes and operations
are judged.
Attributes are defined with acces, datatype, composite attributes are split.
Operations are defined with parameters, return value, acces
2. Transform the FMC holder objects. How are the model objects identified
Discuss and choose a datastructure for each of the FMC Model holder C&O,
i.e. the FMC Model-holder structures are chosen by looking at how
object must be identified.
3. Transform the association & aggragation structures.
Discuss and choose between one way or two way representations.
The evaluation of the frequency (how often are this function called)
and the performance (acces time) helps to make the right choice.
4. Revise the diagrams with the implementation details and draw the new
Next week