SW-Construction 1 (Object Oriented Programming)
2. Semester: International Datamatician Course (Advanced Computer Studies)
Welcome to Software Construction |
Links to litterature requirements |
SW-Con is short for "Software Construction"
The course is divided into two major part:
1. semester: Basic Principles and and Object Oriented Programming
2. semester: Object Oriented Programming and Databases
Be aware that SW-Construction requires independent programming by the individual student.
The major subjects 1. semester are:
- Principles of Object Oriented Programming
Classes and objects. Fields: Attributes and methods.
Data structures: Arrays, Lists. Encapsulation and inheritance
- Programming in Java
You must be able to program a simpler Java program at the end of the semester.
- Development of a smaller/medium sized program
You must do a 1-week course work, making a medium sized program
- Computer architecture and operating systems
The major subjects 2. semester are:
- Advanced principles of Object Oriented Programming
Collection classes. Abstract datatypes. Inheritance and polymorphism.
- Programming of graphical user interfaces
Swing-interfaces and applets (programs, that can be inserted into web-pages).
- Persistency: Files and Relational Databases
- Development of a larger program
You must do a 6-week project, making a larger and more complex program
Linking Java programs and SQL Sentences
Most important is the Principles and the Programming in Java. Great emphasize is given to your programming skills. Therefore you have to solve many programming exercises, bigger and smaller. Some can be solved at the College using your teachers and tutors carefull guidance. Others you have to work with and solve at home or in your study group.
Programming is like swimming:
You can only learn by doing - it is not enough to read about it !
The subjects have been chosen in accordance with the official datamatician curriculum as given by the Danish Ministry of Education and the syllabus at Roskilde Computer Science College.
Teaching Principles
The teaching will be based on classic lectures, discussions, smaller theoretical assignments, groupwork and individual work on practical exercises and team building/work on the project work.
Study groups are initiated already first week.
Relations with other subjects
SW-Cons closely related to:
- Software Design: UML, , 1.+2. semester.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design is normally used before or together with programming.
and forms the basis for the understanding of:
- Software Architecture and Distributed Programs, 3. semester.
Here you have to program design patterns, applets, sockets, servlets, jsp etc. etc..
- Computer Network and Distributed Systems, 3. semester.
Here you have to program threads and sockets, rmi using Java
- Special subjects like Web-programming, Advanced Databases, 4. semester
- The final dissertation, 5. semester.
Mandatory Assignments
There are three-five mandatory assignments during 1. Semester.
Each assignment work must be solved in (double) pairs.
Special feedback and coaching will be based on to these assignments.
The assignments will form the foundation for the exam !
There is one oral exams held after 1. semester based on the mandatory assignments.
There is one oral project exam held after 2. semester.
The project report will be included in the exam curriculum.
To proceed to the next semester, the exam must be passed.
To proceed to the 3rd Semester, the mandatory assignments and the exam must be passed.
Program enviroment
There are many program enviroments (program enviroment is a word for editor, compiler/interpreter, Java Virtual Machine etc..) for Java e.g.
- JDK (Java Development Kit) from Sun is the recommended program enviroment in this course. Free.
Here is a compiler, a virtual machine, editors and graphical tools
We shall use TextPad/Netbeans and JDK for several reasons:
- It includes the newest facilities in Java (JDK is produced by Javasoft /Sun, who invented Java)
- Relative simple to use (starts up from a prompt, or a simple window with menu, buttons etc.) and not complex and expensive as builders).
- It is free for students at our college.
JDK 6 (also called Java 2) very close to the newest version from Sun.
JDK 6 is installed on the computers at the College, but it would be adequate if you have it running on your home PC as well - when making exercises etc.
You can download Netbeans 6.0 directly. It takes some time.
Alternativly a CD with the necessary SW for 1. semester can be handed out in week 38.