SW-Con 1 Examples | Updated |
SW-Construction 1 (Object Oriented Programming)
2. Semester: International Datamatician Course (Advanced Computer Studies)
Examples |
Simple Java Examples run them right away
Link Description TextFiles Writing/reading lines to/from a text file.
ObjectFiles Writing/reading objects to/from a file with String objects.
CalendarCalculator Class with a todays date method. Uses java.util.Calendar ExceptionExample try-catch with several exceptions
SelectionSort with selction sort methods
Interfaces and implementation similar to Map
Comparator interfaces for Staff classThread example based on Thread class
Thread example based on Runnable interface
Thread example with synchronized output control
Database Examples take a closer look |
Link Description DMC_Library DataManagementClass encapsulating the database HotelAdm Java class for connection to HotelDatabase Jdbc-examples .zip-file to be downloaded cant be runned directly!! RDB-Forms Forms defining database tables Hotel_DDL.sql
HotelDML.sqlSQL-sentences for creating HotelDB
SQL-sentences for inserting/updating HotelDBHoteladm.gdb HotelDB to be downloaded
Maintenance by claudius@rhs.dk