CODS Welcome | Updated |
Welcome to CODS | Links to litterature requirements |
CODS is short for "Computer Network and Distributed Systems"
Be aware that CODS requires independent studying, reading and solutions by the individual student.
The major topics at 3. semester are:
The subjects have been chosen in accordance with the official datamatician curriculum as given by the Danish Ministry of Education and the syllabus at Roskilde Computer Science College.
Most important is the Computer Networks. Great emphasize is given to your understanding of the top layers and to your design and programming skills, too. Therefore you have to solve several theoretical assignments and practical programming exercises.Some can be solved at the College using your teachers and class mates carefull guidance/help. Others you have to work with and solve at home or in your study group.
CODS is like swimming:
You can only learn by doing - But to comprehend you also need to read about
it !
3-4 mandatory mock-up exams
interdiciplinary 3-week project groupwork combining the semester subjects: system development, programming and technic.
Teaching Principles
The teaching will be based on classic lectures, discussions, smaller theoretical
assignments, groupwork and individual work on a many practical exercises and
team building/work on the on the project work.
Study groups are initiated in the fourth week.
Relations with other subjects
CODS is closely related to:
SODP Object Oriented Programming, 3. semester.
Design patterns and C# programming
and forms the basis for the understanding of::
Project work
There is 1 project period (3 week project) during 3. Semester.
The project work must be solved in groups of 4-5 students.
There is one exam held after 3. semester.
An written interdiciplinary individual 4-hour exam in CODS together with Programming.
To proceed to the 4th Semester, a minimum of 02 must be achieved at each exam.
Program enviroment
There are many program enviroments (program enviroment is a word for
Virtual Machine etc..) for C#.
We shall use Visual Studio for several reasons: