Tech 2 Literature Updated 
Tech 2 (Computer Networks)
4. Semester: International Datamatician Course (Advanced Computer Science)
Projects on 4'th semester Links to solutions

A projetc involving two or three of your subjects.
It can be a DB-application on a web-server, a security investigation, a fesability study etc. etc.

5 weeks at the end of this semester is dedicated to the completion of this project. However the project charter is handed out early in the semester and students are required to start the projects side by side with the "traditional" teaching in middle of the semester .

        Project_2004     Conditions and concepts for the project 4'th semester in 2004.

        Project_Questions     Template for some questions.

Year 2000-2004 Advisors: Michael Claudius
2'nd semester projects  You can also get ideas by looking at some former 2'nd semester projects

At our library You can find paper versions of some good former 4'th semester projects.
And here are posted some of the best but not all of the best 4'th semester projects, as some of them are not available in electronic form and some are classified as strictly confidentially due to the company's policy.
Year 2003 Advisors: Michael Claudius

Year 2004 Advisors: Michael Claudius


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